discontinued software


All software that was once on this web became obsolete and has been removed (sorry).

  • flight simulators: Palomino Flight Simulator.
    Never progressed beyond prototype stage. However, remains available for download at SourceForge.
  • games: F-42 Night Manta (UNIX/Android).
    Completed/finalized in 2012.
    Wrote 3D engine in C++ that ran fast on 2011-era Android/ARM phones.
  • graphics: OpenGL Amiga Boing.
    Written in 2004, amazingly, still compiles/runs in 2021/06.
  • programming: hypersrc/pypersrc (source code browsers).
    hypersrc (written in 1999) cannot be compiled anymore after GTK1 became obsolete.
    pypersrc can still be compiled and run [2021/06], problem was never quite finished to an adequate stage, source code browser ought to go back to visited locations.
  • programming: ports of FIG-FORTH to 32-bit 80386 protect-mode, PCDOS, OS/2.
    Were not meant for publication, lacks presentable documentation, assembler that was used became obsolete in ~1997.
  • etc.