airplane comparisons - jets

F-14 vs F-15 vs F-16 vs F-18

Size comparison of F-14, F-15, F-16, F-18 fighters.
F-18 shown is F-18F Super Hornet, original F-18 was smaller.

size comparison of F-14, F-15, F-16, F-18 fighters

F-14 Tomcat vs F-15 Eagle

F-14 Tomcat had greater maneuverability, fire-power. Plus swing-wings.

F-15 Eagle had greater acceleration, climb-rate.

F-14 Tomcat pirate    F-15 Eagle shooting missile

F-14 Tomcat vs F-18 Hornet

F-14 Tomcat was designed as a long-range interceptor and tight-turning dog-fighter -- conflicting design goals -- which Grumman solved using swing-wings.

F-18 Hornet was designed as a light-weight less-capable fighter.

F-18 was inferior in almost every aspect. It couldn't reach Mach 2, had shorter range, wings only optimal at a narrow speed range, etc. F-18 had more modern avionics (but avionics can be upgraded).

F-18 only replaced F-14 for political/economic reasons. Idiot politicians [ref: Dick Cheney] assumed anything with a greater numeric designation was superior. Grumman knew US Navy knew Tomcat was superior, then wrongly bet US Navy would pay a high price for building new Tomcats. Instead, US Navy went shopping, paid less, got less -- "Super Hornet" was just a scaled-up Hornet.

F-14 Tomcat    F-18 Navy Blue Angel

F-14 Tomcat vs MiG-23

2 : F-14 (US Navy)
0 : MiG-23 (Libya)

F-14 Tomcat
MiG-23 at USAF museum

MiG-23 was an under-appreciated fighter. MiG excelled in making MiG-23 small, light, sleek, while other variable-swing airplanes became large and heavy. MiG-23 with wings spread wasn't much wider than F-14 with wings swept. Although MiG-23 only had a single engine, it had strong acceleration and speed, its main (or only) advantage. Speed was over Mach 2, at sea level over Mach 1. MiG-23 had a slow turn-rate, short range, pilot couldn't see what was behind. Almost every nation that had MiG-23s has replaced them.

No longer a secret, USAF has publicized that at least two MiG-23s are at their museum [link #1 to]  [link #2 to].

F-16 Viper vs F-18 Hornet

As a dog-fighter, F-16 is superior. After YF-16/YF-17 competition, USAF said F-16 was a better plane. F-16 is lighter, less drag, faster, greater acceleration, higher G, faster roll, etc. F-18 has one small advantage: it can whip its nose around at low speeds.

[ref: F-16 vs F-18]]

F-16 USAF Thunderbird    F-18 Navy Blue Angel

F-15 Eagle vs MiG-25 Foxbat

F-15 and MiG-25 look similar. MiG-25 was introduced first. Their basic shape derives from North American's Vigilante (designed in ~1950).

US thought its F-15 Eagles would be more than a match for MiG-25 Foxbats. But Iraqi MiG-25s proved otherwise. An Iraqi MiG-25 evaded F-15 missiles by dropping chaff/flares, evaded F-15 guns by simply outrunning F-15s. Iraqi pilot would've escaped, but unluckily happened to fly toward another F-15 outside the arena.

A-5 Vigilante North American Vigilante (designed in 1950)
F-15 Eagle F-15 Eagle
MiG-25 Foxbat MiG-25 Foxbat MiG-25 Foxbat

F-15 Eagle vs F-22 Raptor

F-15 has great speed and rate-of-climb, but its maneuverability is sub-par compared to an F-14 and F-16. F-15 frames are worn and need to be replaced. But F-22 is terribly unreliable (despite 20 years of development). Some advocate semi-stealthy F-15 Silent Eagle as a lower-tech complement.

F-15 Eagle    F-22 Raptor front

F-22 Raptor vs Su-47 Berkut

Su-47 certainly can outmaneuver F-22. Su-47 has more lift area, it has two-axis thrust vectoring vs F-22's one-axis, forward-swept wings are more maneuverable than backward-swept. Su-47 probably would win if it can get within visual range (unless F-22 avionics computer can automatically dodge bullets?). But F-22 is designed to kill Russian fighters from a distance. But so was F-4 Phantom.

F-22 Raptor front    Su-47 Berkut forward swept wing

F-35 vs MiGs/Sukhois

If detected by a MiG or Sukhoi, over-weight F-35 with its stubby wings will be shot down with ease.

F-35 F-35, fat turkey

MiG-35 MiG-35 (resembles F-14 Tomcat)

F-35 vs A-10 Wart Hog

A-10 Thunderbolt II (Wart Hog) was specifically designed for role of close-air support. In this role, stealth isn't necessary -- a big gun is. A-10 has one, F-35 doesn't.

A-10 bomb run    A-10 gun compared to car A-10 was built around its gun
F-35 expensive fat turkey

Grumman X-29 vs Su-47 Berkut

Grumman X-29 was smaller and much lighter (~15000lbs, 25% of Su-47's weight). Su-47 has two-axis thrust vectoring.

A dog-fight would've been interesting.

X-29 was extremely unstable, so unstable that if electric or hydraulic power failed, it would tumble +-6G within a fraction of a second. Instability was caused by its canards, not its wings swept forward. But its instability made it very maneuverable. Its maneuverability was a combination of canards, wings swept forward, wings with variable camber, strakes, light-weight, fly-by-wire. X-29 could out-turn any aircraft US had (~1984). Thrust/weight ratio with GE404 engine was around 1. Grumman built two X-29s on Northrop F-5 frames with parts from F-16, F-18, SR-71. X-29 project was completely successful, notable for trouble-free flights, computer simulations accurately predicting actual performance. Despite proof-of-concept, US hasn't made any forward-swept fighters. Reasons seem to be forward-swept wings aren't stealthy, higher fuel consumption from drag caused by continually adjusting pitch, aerodynamic instability becomes instantly dangerous if a control surface fails.

Grumman X-29 forward swept wing    Su-47 Berkut forward swept wing

Grumman X-29 forward swept wing    Su-47 Berkut forward swept wing

SR-71 Blackbird vs MiG-31 Foxhound

Dubiously, Soviets asserted MiG-31 Foxhounds were able to "intercept" (threaten) SR-71 Blackbirds. Using carefully planned prepositioning, a squadron of MiG-31s were able to fly, for a short time, underneath and within radar range of Blackbirds, threatening Blackbird pilots with possible long-range missile shots. Older MiG-25 Foxbats were no threat because of their less-capable radar/missiles.

SR-71 Blackbird    MiG-31 Foxhound